Tips for finding a missing cat
Lost & Found
Check your home thoroughly. They may have found a new place to hide, particularly if they are ill or injured.
Check garages, sheds or outbuildings that have doors. Even if you don’t recall going in the shed, it’s worth checking. Check dustbins, water butts, compost bins and outside storage boxes.
Visit neighbours either side, across the road and near your garden. Ask to check sheds and garages as your cat may continue to hide if a stranger starts calling them.
Studies show the majority of found cats are very close to home so search the local area. The best time is the early morning, when it’s quiet. Take a torch, even in daylight, to check dark corners and under bushes. Take their favourite treat and rattle the tin/packet frequently. Call your cat in your normal voice and listen for any response.
If your cat uses a litter tray, put it outside, as they may be able to follow this scent back to your garden. The contents of your hoover, the cat’s bed or some unwashed socks are good alternatives.
If your cat is microchipped, contact the microchip company and register them as missing. If you have changed your contact details, ensure they are updated on the database as a matter of urgency.
Find a recent photo of your cat – particularly one that shows distinguishing features. Collars may have come off so don’t rely on an identity tag being seen. Write down all relevant details and contact all of the following:
- Local vets
- Local animal homing charities
- Local newspaper & local magazines
- Social media residents’ groups and lost/found animal pages
- Lost pet databases: AnimalSearch, Pets Reunited, CatLost are examples
Make posters – include a large clear, recent photo and a couple of smaller photos showing different angles. If you don’t want to list your own phone number, you are very welcome to use the Toe Beans mobile number - 07436 285029. Just let us know you are doing this. Put the posters up in the local area and post some through letterboxes in nearby streets. Toe Beans can help with producing posters so please get in touch if you need help. You can also contact Doxdirect for free posters.
If you have recently moved, you should extend the search to your previous home as well. Ask old neighbours to keep an eye out and tell the new owners.
Our last tip for finding a lost cat is: Don’t give up!